"New Book Shows You The Secrets To Starting This Weird Yet Simple Business That Can Make You $500-1000+ a Day"...

Even If You've Never Started A Business Before

"Brand New Book Shows You The Secrets To Starting A Business That Makes You $500-1000+ a Day"...

Even If You've Never Started A Business Before

Spencer Claeys

From The Desk Of Spencer Claeys

Seattle, Wa.

Dear Friend,

If you're a guy who's tired of being broke and wants to make money FAST and in one of the simplest ways possible...then this might be the most important letter you’ll read today.

Specifically, how just about anyone can make $500-1,000+ a day by starting a roof and gutter cleaning business.

Even as a complete beginner or if you've already tried every other business under the sun.

But First, A Disclaimer:

This book and the business behind it are not some sort of “magic bullet” that will bring you a business without having to do any work.

For me and the people I teach, we got here with hard work and a determination to succeed that most other people lack.

The fact is most people who start a business achieve little to no results.

My results are not typical and I have the advantage of years of trial and error behind me.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

So with that out of the way let me show you just a couple of the other guys who followed exactly what I lay out in this book...

How Bryan got his first $1,000+ Day...

How Rami is closing in on $8,000 a month...

How Jose booked 3 solid jobs in a couple days...

One job I did last week...

Imagine making more money in 1 day than in 2 weeks at your job...

Believe me, I've been there. 

I've worked at a job in just about every industry there is from landscaping to restaurants, to the US Navy, and up to a fishing boat in Alaska.

And I'll still never forget the first day I made $350 from my very first roof and gutter clean.

This was just a few short years ago, and at the time I was driving around my little red 2003 Toyota Corolla with a ladder rack.

I was making a ton of mistakes, learning everything on the fly as fast as I could by Youtubing any questions and figuring out the rest by trial and error.

It definitely wasn't easy but after nearly 5 years and thousands of roof cleans later I can safely say I just about "cracked the code" to starting and running any roof and gutter business that makes $10,000 per month and beyond.

We even have guys in my private group doing $40,000 PER MONTH with this business!

As it turns out, even someone like me can go from making $7.25 per hour at a job...to making $100-200+ per hour any day I wanted to work.

And if you can correctly implement what I teach inside this short ebook, you could be potentially making more in one week than in a month at your old job which I know is bonkers to say out loud but I've seen it happen so many times it's become normal.

Because the truth is, no matter who you are or what you do if you can get leads in the door and properly service them, there is no limit to the amount of money you can make with this business.

You just need the right system to take you there

If we are being honest, it is NOT hard to do what I do.

Pretty much anyone can learn to clean a roof, gutters, or wash a house. I definitely spend some time discussing this inside

It's who has the best marketing.

If you can get leads and fulfill, you might just become unstoppable.

Because if you're like me this probably isn't the first business you've started.

Crypto, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, Youtube you name it I've tried it. I've even sold t shirts, jewelry, and those copper moonshine stills!

The thing is, I won't say those things don't work- because they absolutely can! 

But the problem is the speed and math just doesn't add up.

If you're young and have energy you can't be sitting around and waiting for the markets, for traffic to come to your website, or for your Youtube channel to take off.


Once you solve this with starting your own business that has the potential to make you $500-$1,000 a day NOW you can finally have the cash to put into those other types of businesses

Because in life, money loves SPEED.

And I don't know about you but I don't want to sit around waiting for some algorithm to choose to promote my profile or channel- and I say this with over 250,000 Youtube subscribers.

You need a way to bring in cash fast. Plain and simple.

This book shows you how.

The Only Thing Holding You Back Is Speed

And there's a reason no one has told you this sort of thing yet.

That for just the cost to register an LLC and a couple of tools, you can start making more than someone who spent 3 years and $60,000+ at something like Law School (which one of my good friends is currently doing now).

Why would the government or the universities want you to be able to NOT go into debt, rely on them for handouts, learn what they want you to, and accept making peanuts just to kiss up to a boss that doesn't know anything?

I did the college thing and I can tell you- paying tens of thousands of dollars just to get a degree that qualifies you for a job at Starbucks wasn't worth it.

We all know this.

Schools teach you to be a good little worker bee and be happy making $20 an hour while having to ask permission to go to the bathroom. 

This sucks, but what's the alternative?

Starting your own cash flowing business NOW.

Building a rock-solid business based on a demand that isn't going anywhere soon is the key to breaking free of the rat race.

Because right now, who knows what the markets, real estate, or anything else are going to do?

But I can tell you for sure, as long as people still live in houses, they will need their roofs, houses, and gutters cleaned and maintained.

And I can tell you from experience- the market for service-based businesses like this is exploding.

I regularly have to turn down jobs, and I'm almost always booked 2 weeks in advance.

The demand right now is crazy- but I don't expect this to last forever.

Markets change and competition moves in. 

The fact is, you can't sit on the sidelines forever.

You need to start making money fast, and I can't think of a single business model that can get the job done faster than this.

I don't know about you, but I tried everything

I only wish I had access to this information when I was back in college.

Even just 1 extra job a month could have paid my rent!

Then I wouldn't have had to waste time mowing lawns for $11 an hour or waiting tables and in general being broke as a joke.

In my opinion, there's no reason to be broke in America or wherever you live.

Chances are you live in a Western country, places filled to the brim with money looking to move into hard-working and intelligent men like us.

I mean look around at all the Tech bros, many of them don't even own a hammer or much less a ladder.  This is part of the reason we can come in and clean up and start making ridiculous money as fast as I'm talking about here.

Even if it's just a small job, I've had days where I worked 1 job for $325 that took me less than 40 minutes total. 

Not to mention that once you get good at doing your own marketing using the system I lay out in this book you can do pretty much as many jobs as you want, whether that's 1,2, or even 5 jobs a day if you can swing it.

At an average of $3-400 per job you can easily see how making $500-1,000 isn't just super achievable, but inevitable.

It's all up to you.

As I mentioned I only wish I had access to this type of business blueprint back when I was 18 or 20.
But luckily for you, you can get exclusive access to everything I've learned from running my own business and personally coaching dozens of other businesses on what is working right now.

Here's What You're Getting

I've put together a 103-page book that you can read in an afternoon.

This isn't your typical "biz opp" book with a bunch of theories and hypotheticals.

I take you step by step through building a business that, if acted upon could start making you money almost immediately.

And when you can start booking $300,500, $1,000 jobs on the daily, you'll be have funds to either grow this business or invest into another business.

Either way, you need a way to get money in the door FAST.

This book shows you how.

Here's What You'll Discover...

  • ​My "ten thousand dollar script" (Page 59)
  • ​The crucial 2 steps to determine if your business will succeed (Page 14)
  • ​Why exactly roofs and gutters need to be cleaned (Page 17)
  • ​The tools I use for 85% of my jobs (no one else does this) (Page 22)
  • ​The exact brands and places to buy everything you need (Page 25)
  • ​How to be safe doing the work (Page 31)
  • ​How to clean any roof (Page 35)
  • ​Where to source your chemicals (Page 39)
  • ​How to get unlimited customers (Page 45)
  • 5 steps to starting with nothing (Page 50)
  • Hustling like a pro (Page 56)
  • ​4 hacks to a rock-solid sales script (Page 59)
  • ​Leverage 2 gigantic websites (Page 70)
  • ​The single biggest factor in success (Page 94)
  • The "Miss America Offer" example (Page 82)
  • How a "newbie" can beat a seasoned vet (Page 80)
  • ​The most effective headlines and offers I've used (yes you can swipe them) (Page 82)

And much, MUCH more...

This Exact System Has Made Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars For Guys Like Kevin...

But I'm More Proud Of Guys Like Blake Who Booked Their FIRST Job From What I Teach In this Book...

So, Yes, This Will Work For You Too! 

Whether you're brand new to business, or have had several already under your belt.

Plus this doesn't just work for Roofs and Gutters, this strategy works for pressure washing, solar panel cleaning, window cleaning, junk hauling, landscaping and many more!

It's simply about learning a high-value skill.

Finding customers.

And making money.

That's it.

And you can probably tell by now or from the hundreds of videos I've put on the internet that I don't really like to mess around.

This stuff isn't complicated.

And you too can learn this skill and start stacking cash if you act fast on this information.

It's Decision Time, My Friend

For just $7.00, you can purchase my 103 page book, The Official Roof And Gutter Cleaning Business Blueprint, and get everything you need to implement this game-changing business into your life.

Or you can close out this page and keep doing what you've been doing.

"What If this Book Is A Complete Waste?"

If you're skeptical of ANY advertising claims at this point...

I understand.

And I'm not asking you to let your guard down.

That would be unfair given how many half-truths there are on the internet to wade through.
Instead here's my offer:

Buy my book for $7.00.

If you dislike it for ANY reason...

Just let me know and I'll refund you the $7.00.

You don't even have to send anything back. Just ask for a refund, and it's yours.

The Book is $7.00...But How Much Does It Cost NOT To Purchase It?

Thousands, conservatively.

The number of jobs and clients you're NOT booking because you don't have a system and a business to handle them is mind-blowing.

If this book even just helped you book 1 extra client for $500 would it have been worth it?

And if you're anything like me and my clients, you could be doing that every single day or much more, but if you keep waiting, you could be missing out on dozens of jobs.

And if you're not growing, you're dying.

And after months and years of sitting stagnant and never cracking the code to booking multiple jobs a day...

You'll give up- or you won't start- and that's the most costly outcome of all.

There's No Need For Fake Scarcity

You're buying a book that get's delivered digitally as a PDF.

So I'm not going to insult your intelligence by telling you "There's only 100 left!!"

If you've read this far and you're still not comfortable investing $7 in yourself and your business, this book probably won't help you.

But the truth is, if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got.


You can do something different right now by investing a few bucks in the same system that has taken me and dozens of guys just like you from earning virtually nothing to $500-1,000+ per DAY.

The choice is yours.

Click the button below to get your copy of the Official Roof and Gutter Cleaning Business Blueprint.

Thanks for reading this very long letter!

- Spencer Claeys

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 103-page book that outlines how to start a roof and gutter cleaning business that makes anywhere from $300-1000+ a day.

It's called The Official Roof And Gutter Cleaning Business Blueprint.

It's everything I've learned over the last several years running my own business and having coached hundreds of other business owners, not to mention the thousands of questions, comments, and feedback I get on my Youtube, Tik Tok, And Instagram channels.

This book also walks you through the exact strategy I’m using to get 3-5 leads per day with Facebook ads and Google My Business.

That single strategy alone is CRUSHING it right now.

It costs $7.00, but if you dislike it for any reason, just let me know. I'll refund the money and you can keep the book.

$7 is ridiculously cheap for what you're getting, so I'll probably raise the price soon.

DISCLAIMER: The figures and tactics stated above are the results of my own campaigns and the campaigns I’ve built for my private clients. My results are not typical and I’m not suggesting you’ll duplicate them. I have the benefit of several years of experience in advanced sales and marketing. Most people who buy any “how-to” information get little to no results, especially if they aren’t willing to follow the suggested strategies and work hard. All successful businesses incur risks and require persistence and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

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